Mar 16, 2014

"lolz this blog by you is" - Phishing Scam

"lolz this blog by you is" with random words is spreading viral on Twitter. It's a variant Phishing Scam targeted against Twitter users. In the below given screenshot you could see some of the Tweets found posted on one of the affected user's Twitter timeline. It use @follower name with the tweets to attract others and to spread across.

If you click on the link it will check whether you have logged into Twitter account or not. If found logged in then it will take you to a page like Twitter login. It will say "Your current session has ended. For security purposes your were forcibly signed out, you need to verify your Twitter account, please relogin." to convince you and to collect the login username and password. Before you enter username or password in any website always ensure the website address given in the browser address bar is correct and belongs to a legitimate site. 

Once the username and password is entered, they are sent to a remote server, and the victims are redirect to a real twitter page. In case you're affected by this scam then change your twitter password immediately. Your twitter account is compromised and the scammer can now log into your twitter account and send messages directly to all your twitter followers. The more the followers the more the scam messages or tweets. 

If you see tweets like the following it is a Phishing scam. Don't click on the link. Inform the person who shared the link with you that their account is compromised and ask them to change their twitter password ASAP. If you find any difficulties in changing the twitter password contact the twitter support team.
  • "haha I had a strange feeling this was you"
  • "haha this blog by you is so funny" 
  • "haha this entry by you is crazy" 
  • "haha this was posted by you?" 
  • "haha u got to see this, its epic"
  • "I am lol'n so hard right now at this"
  • "Im laughing so hard right now at this"
  • "lmao this was made by you?" 
  • "lmao u gotta read this, its funny" 
  • "lol I had a crazy feeling this is you" 
  • "lol I had a crazy feeling this is yours"
  • "LOL u got 2 read this, its crazy" 
  • "lolz this blog by you is hilarious" 
  • "lolz this post by you is odd" 
  • "omfg this blog by you is nuts" 
  • "omfg this entry by you is so funny" 
  • "rofl this was made by you?" 
  • "rofl you got 2 read this, its crazy"

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