May 26, 2011

Facebook SCAM – “this woman has a orgasm on a roller coaster! LOL”

Few days back I found this link posted on few of my friend’s wall.

The moment I saw the site “” I was able to conform it as bogus video because here the name “youtube” is sub domain of “” which is the main domain so; it clearly says us the video is posted in some other site not the famous “”

When you click on the video post it will redirect you to some other fake domain where it says you can freely customize our Face Book profiles,

It asks you to complete the 3 steps. Once you do that it will display a gif file saying activating and behind the screen it will contact the s.php file located in the remote server and execute the JavaScript.

When examined the JavaScript found below code to check whether you are pasting the script on the window. If not it will alert you with a message.

Without your permission it will post fake links on our wall,

It can hide chat box from you and send messages to your friends without your knowledge.

To avoid this when you come across any link don’t click them immediately think twice before you click on it. Also if you confirm the post as spam report it by marking it spam.

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